Dienstag, 25. Februar 2014

BSc Management Part 2: One Semester Down, Five to Go!

It is unbelievable how time is flying by. I feel like I started this journey just a week ago, but one-sixth of it is already over… Well okay, it doesn’t sound that much when I say it; my point is that semester I is over now and I want tell you all about it!

Lectures, assignments and exams

First, let me tell you about the courses I had in my first semester at KLU:
  • Management Fundamentals
  • Managerial and Financial Accounting
  • Descriptive Statistics & Calculus and Analytical Geometry
  • Communication and Academic Fundamentals
The program gave us a solid basis of knowledge for a good start with our studies. In addition to all the reading material, we had research assignments to conduct on our own or in groups. This is a better way to get insight into a subject than just studying a book! We also had our first guest lecturer in Managerial and Financial Accounting – a partner at KPMG, Hamburg. He briefly introduced the company and his job, and then showed us the practical side of what we were learning.

At one point, it was time for exams. As a freshman with no experience in university exams, I was honestly not looking forward to them. I guess nobody really enjoys exams, right? Anyway, they all went even better than expected, at least for me. University was over by December 17, so I was off to a nice Christmas holiday in my country.

Events at KLU

Apart from the monthly lecture series at our university, in which professionals make presentations on various topics, KLU hosted a couple of outstanding events during my first semester.

One of them was the “Night of Science”, or in German  “Nacht des Wissens”. For one evening, the university turned to a venue for workshops, games, and lectures. Since I was volunteering as barista along with other students, I had no opportunity to participate in any of the activities that night.  But I learned from the experience! After that evening, I knew more German names for beverages and I learned that nearly ALL Germans love Apfelschorle (sparkling water mixed with apple juice), since I mixed quite a lot of them. The event turned out to be more successful than anyone had expected. As a brand new venue on the map, KLU was ready to welcome around 200 guests. Actually, over 600 people visited our university. I am sure that the next “Night of Science” will be even more successful.

The other event took place right after exams. I think it was the first party ever to be held in the new KLU building – or at least the first Christmas party! Our cozy student lounge turned into a festively decorated room, full of Christmas spirit, Christmas sweets, and of course… mulled wine (Glühwein). After a speech given by two of our master’s students, we were all invited to a nice dinner, served in the conservatory. And Santa Claus himself was with us! He gave away some presents and took a looooot of photos with everyone. I guess there could have not been a better way to end the first semester.

A Few Words on Semester II

After a relaxing vacation at home, we all returned to KLU. That’s great – the second semester seems even more promising than the first. Interesting courses, lectures and events will be taking place soon and we need to make important decisions regarding our internship and semester abroad. I will definitely have a lot to write about next time

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